Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pillow Talk

So, Tessa has been having a bit of trouble going to sleep lately...can we say 10 pm??? I don't know what happened to my beautiful little sleeping angel, she has always been an 8pm-8am kinda girl. So, we made her a pillow. Let me rephrase...I made her a pillow. Yes, I am quite the seamstress, making a toddler sized pillow. I never thought I would feel so much pride in such a small acomplishment, it's a little strange. And I made a little pillowcase with pengiuns on it for her. (Her favorite show on DiscoveryKids is Paz the penguin). And the pillow is helping her sleep, a little anyways, until the novelty wears off! She just looks so cute lying asleep on her little pillow, that her Mommy made for her...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww cute, take a picture... how are you guys?